Friday, May 22, 2009

Extreme Update

Family, Friends and Supporters, 

We wanted to  with share you some of the things that have been going on with our family and Extreme Nazarene.  God is definitely working in Extreme and it is more exciting to be a part of this ministry with each passing day.

First, Brad and I have decided to take on a second position with Extreme as a cluster support family.  This was a quick change but one that was obviously initiated by God.  We both had been thinking about this possibility separately and then it come up in conversation twice in one weekend while chatting with other members of Extreme.  We came together to talk about it on a Sunday and decided that we needed to pray about this as we both agreed that we still felt called to the positions that we came here to do.  When Wednesday arrived the subject was so heavy on our hearts that we knew needed to talk to Brian , the director, to see if it was even a possibility.  Brad called Brian that morning to set up an appointment for the afternoon and we stayed home from school to continue praying.  We went into Brian's office that afternoon and presented our plan of how we believed that we could function in both roles.  Brian laughed a little and confessed that this was the reason he had invited us to dinner that Thursday.  He was going to present this idea to us over dinner.

Brad and I  were excited that not only had God been moving in our hearts, we had recognized this immediately!  I don't know if you can related with us on the pure joy that is in your entire being when you realize that God is working in you.  When you realize that God not only has a plan for your life but He is sharing it with you.  He finds you worthy to work with Him towards the growth of His kingdom.  To me that is very humbling and makes me incredibly nervous!  But Brad and I agree that we have both lived outside of His plan and inside of His plan and life is incredible when you are in the hand of God.

So what is a cluster support family?  Extreme Peru is built on a concept called 40/40.  This brings 40 single adults from inside of Peru and 40 single adults from outside of Peru (right now from the United States).  One Peruvian and one Non-Peruvian are paired together with the objective to plant 3 churches under the leadership of an established church.  The goal is to plant 120 churches in Peru.  Several pairs of missionaries (40/40s) live together in a home in their assigned community.  Each group of 40/40s have a cluster support family that lives with them taking care of them much like dorm parents or resident directors in a college setting.

After sitting down with Brian to discuss the possibilities of us taking on cluster support while being able to accomplish our original positions it was decided that we would take the Cusco group.  This is exciting for many reasons.  First of all, it we will not move to Cusco for a year and half enabling us to complete all our travel for research of the 40/40 sites and to be apart of all the projects with Extreme Peru.  Secondly, we are able to be apart of the church planting.  We have the privilege to be apart of every aspect of Extreme Peru.  Cusco will also allow us easy travel to the other 40/40 sites when they need Brad and I to come and visit for our original roles of logistics and medical support.  When looking at the big picture it seemed that both of our positions were made to go hand in hand!  

With the change of positions came a quick change in the schedule.  We no longer needed to attend training with the current 40/40s in Iquitos as we will be attending the same training with our Cusco 40/40s next year (our 40/40s won't arrive for a year).  So we needed an apartment as school had ended along with our housing.  So here is the second change for the Hunt Family.  We had to find an apartment.  We needed to find a furnished apartment to fit into our budget.  We had three days to look for an apartment before our bus would leave to Iquitos.  We needed to travel to Iquitos even though we are not attending school to research the city for medical resources and logistical purposes since we will have staff there.

Monday morning, the first morning of apartment hunting the realtor drove us next door to our office building to show us a two bedroom furnished apartment.  She told us the price and then said she would like to offer us a different price as the owner is the same owner of our office site.  And amazingly enough it was exactly what we had budgeted.  She also mentioned that the apartment had just opened up yesterday and oh by the way the owner would like to buy you a television.  Two hours later we had signed the contract and two more hours after that we were moving into our new apartment!  So we are now in a safe area of the city 10 steps away from the Extreme office.  Our God is good and is taking care of even the simple details.  There are so many more things to mention about our apartment but I will make that a different entry with pictures.

We realized that Tyler's visa was about to expire and we needed to get to Lima to finish our residency paperwork as soon as we were notified that it was ready.  Thanks to God our paperwork was finished the day we realized we had an issue on hand.  We had to change our travel schedule to allow time in Lima and are not scheduled to leave for Lima/Iquitos until May 29th.  We are currently in Arequipa getting settled in waiting for an appointment time with the Immigration Dept. in Lima.  So if you wouldn't mind lifting the issue with Tyler's visa up in prayer we would appreciate it.  If we can get an appointment in Lima during the grace period we will not have to take Tyler out of the country to renew his visa.  This is an issue of timing in an extremely slow moving process.

Just wanted to give you an update on our lives here with Extreme.  Now that we completed language school (at an intermediate level) we have started working on the tasks we came to complete.  I will keep you informed!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Monkey...One year old!

This year has been the best year of my life so far and that is because of the little man that came into this world one year ago.  I wanted to share with you some pictures from the last year.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

This is my first Mother's Day as a Mom (of a born child).  I had a really nice day.  This morning I went to church by myself since Brad is having problems with his sciatic nerve and is unable to sit for very long.  He kept Tyler at home so that I could listen to the service.  Mother's Day in Peru is a very big celebration and everyone was very excited to wish me my first "feliz dia de mama."  The worship time was very good for me today.  The words to the music were not posted which made it difficult for me to sing along so I decided to pray while my Peruvian brother's and sister's were filling the room with words of praise.  I was able to pray without interruption, something that rarely happens now that I am a mom.  I was also able to understand a good portion of the sermon about the mother of Moses and the sacrifices she made for her child.  After the sermon the children and teens presented the mothers of the church with gifts, sandwiches and juice.

This is the gift given to me by the children of the church.  A flower with a mirror in the center and hand-made card.
The teens contributed towards a gift basket and drew names for the winner...I won.  I am now the proud winner of rice, sugar, cereal, milk, tuna, juice, soup, pasta and salsa!
And waiting for me at home with my two guys was a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers!
And a present signed by my baby!  Inside is a curling iron.  I have been wanting one since we have been in Peru.
I am so blessed to be a mom.  I am so blessed to have a mom of Godly character that has been my role model and mentor.  I miss her terribly today and pray that she is having a blessed day with my sisters at home.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's May...

I can hardly believe that it is already May again.  It seems like just yesterday it was May and I was counting the days until June when my baby would enter the world.  Little did I know that he would join us early.  So in two weeks we will be celebrating a birthday in the Hunt Family!  I will be sure to post more about that later.

Today has been a day of reflection for me.  I have had to work really hard today to remember why I am here in Peru.  So I have pulled out a piece of notebook paper that I scribbled some challenging words on.  It is from the book Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow.  I haven't read the book because I am still working on the next few lines, they are enough for me right now.

Prescription for Contentment
1.  Never allow yourself to complain about anything--not even the weather.
2.  Never picture yourself in any other circumstance or someplace else.
3.  Never compare your lot with another.
4.  Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
5.  Never dwell on tomorrow--remember that [tomorrow] is God's,
not ours.

This challenge has been amazingly difficult for me.  It is much more fun to think of the things I would change, the things that I miss and dream of how they will be in the years to come.  But I think that I agree that allowing my thoughts to wonder only allows them away from what God has asked me to do.  So, I have decided to take the challenge from Linda Dillow and work towards contentment in the life that God has given me here and now.