It has been a while since I have updated this blog and many things have happened in our lives here in Peru. Let's get caught up!
The last time I wrote I told you that the projects were just beginning in Arequipa and Brad was heading to Iquitos to work on the 40/40 housing. I stayed in Arequipa with Tyler to work on the first Extreme project. I stayed very busy caring for the short term volunteers. A stomach virus hit and almost half of the volunteers were affected at one time throughout the two weeks. But God prevailed as He always does and many people of Arequipa were told about the love of Jesus Christ and made life changing decisions. Even our bus driver accepted Christ!
I didn't take any pictures myself but the communications team documented every moment. Please take a look at this link to see what happened during Arequipa 0.
Brad was working in Iquitos making improvements to the housing for our 40/40 missionaries. He was able to help a team install false ceilings to provide a sound barrier from the loud rain as well as place a barrier between the people and the rats and bats. After the ceilings were installed Brad painted the dormitories. He then laid tile in both rooms. He then begun to raise the sidewalks to prevent flooding in the rooms. When it rains it rains!
Here is a picture of the water flooding over the sidewalk (before it was raised) just a few minutes into the rainstorm.
Here is a picture of the tile and paint in the girl's dormitory room.
Inside the church before it was completed.
The next project will be in Puerto Maldanado where we will be builidng the housing for our 40/40 missionaries. They are getting close to the end of their training in Iquitos and will be ready to move into their new home in November to start planting churches in Puerto.
We were blessed to welcome the new 40/40 missionaries to Arequipa just over a week ago. This group will attend language school in Arequipa for 3 months (like we did) and then move to Iquitos for their training. After training this group will divide into Pucallpa and Iquitos for church planting. This group is full of energy and ready to get to work. We have had the pleasure of having groups of them over to our home for dinner and we are very impressed with quality of their character. God is going to use them to do great things.
God is continually at work in our lives. We are adjusting to our lives here and are feeling like we may be feeling more normal in a different culture. Thank you for your continued prayer and support. We are looking forward to our trip home in November to see you and thank you in person.