I have to say that I feel that we have already been on quite the adventure and we haven't even landed in Peru! God is really working in our lives. He is growing us and growing sometimes hurts. You may remember as a child experiencing "growing pains," which I have been told medically do not exist. But as one who has experienced such pains I believe they do exist. And I am feeling them now.
Although the material things in life to do not hold priority I find myself feeling separation anxiety from my home. The home which my husband and I purchased together for our first home. The place I brought my first baby home. It has been difficult to pack up our memories into cardboard boxes to store away. We can take only what we can fit into four suitcases so this does not allow for much more than necessity. But I keep hearing my mom's voice in my head saying, "This world is not our home," and I know she is right. This house is not my home. My home is with God. For now He will have me stay in Peru.
And the people we will leave behind? I can't go there!
Single Size Bed In Inches
5 years ago
Sometimes I drive over to the Maple Apartments, where we first brought you home, and just remember.....
I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
I am a blog friend of your mom's from Loveland, Colorado. We "met" by a Godincidence a couple of years ago, and I can hardly wait to come to Nampa to visit relatives so I can meet her face to face.
I have journeyed through this process of your leaving with her, and know how hard it is. We have Brent Eakens at our church last Sunday night and I got very excited for you guys. Our church started the project in Arequipa and has been there twice, and planned to go back to finish the project this summer. In fact, our Faith Promise giving was double the norm as we pledged the funds to finish the project and have already sent them down for the local folks to do the work much less expensively.
So, as your mom says, it's amazing to connect the dots of our paths. I know it'll be hard at times and you'll be lonesome for your very close family. But I am so proud of you, though we've never met. I will so look forward to following your adventure here on your blog. And I love the title.
I thought of you and Brad as I read this quote today: "God gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him." And the two of you have certainly left the choice to Him!
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