This is my first Mother's Day as a Mom (of a born child). I had a really nice day. This morning I went to church by myself since Brad is having problems with his sciatic nerve and is unable to sit for very long. He kept Tyler at home so that I could listen to the service. Mother's Day in Peru is a very big celebration and everyone was very excited to wish me my first "feliz dia de mama." The worship time was very good for me today. The words to the music were not posted which made it difficult for me to sing along so I decided to pray while my Peruvian brother's and sister's were filling the room with words of praise. I was able to pray without interruption, something that rarely happens now that I am a mom. I was also able to understand a good portion of the sermon about the mother of Moses and the sacrifices she made for her child. After the sermon the children and teens presented the mothers of the church with gifts, sandwiches and juice.
This is the gift given to me by the children of the church. A flower with a mirror in the center and hand-made card.
The teens contributed towards a gift basket and drew names for the winner...I won. I am now the proud winner of rice, sugar, cereal, milk, tuna, juice, soup, pasta and salsa!
And waiting for me at home with my two guys was a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers!
And a present signed by my baby! Inside is a curling iron. I have been wanting one since we have been in Peru.
I am so happy you had such a good first Mother's Day and I know your mom missed you terribly today, too!
I was so excited when I thought of this being your's and Andrea's very first Mother's Day! What an honor and blessing it is to have the awesome responsibility of raising children.
I missed you so much today too. I remember when I moved far away to college my dad wrote me a letter telling me how much he missed me and that he was so thankful that he had six more children at home to love. I totally understand what he meant. I'm so glad that God gave us 4 daughters. If I had stopped at two (like I considered doing) I wouldn't have anybody at home now. God knew just what I needed. He was providing for me way back when I had no idea I was being provided for. I hope you had a wonderful day today.
I awoke to a handwritten, seven year old inspired poem by Logan. He also made me a handprint in cement decorated with purple stones. Regan made me a snowglobe with her picture inside. Priceless!!
Tell Tyler the kids received his 5 high.
Michelle, your little Tyler is so blessed to have you as his mommy! One day he'll understand the extent of your commitment and dedication to God's plan for your life. What a gift to give to him!
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