It has been a crazy week and I have not posted a thing. Here is a little update on our week...
Thursday and Friday of last week...
Tyler started to run a low grade temperature accompanied with some stomach "issues" and I stayed home with him and did not attend school. It is so hard to tell what is going on with a baby and I decided to keep him home to lay low.
The fever went away by the end of Friday and it did not return so we went out for the day. See Saturday's Peru Review for details!
This was our second service at the Umacollo Nazarene Church. I have posted a picture of the sanctuary below. You are able to see some of our Extreme Staff as well as our Peruvian brothers and sisters. The people are excited about the Lord (Senor=Lord) and happy to welcome us into their church.

But I to be honest Sundays are the hardest days for me because I miss my family the most on these days. I loved going to church and worshiping with my church family who are truly family. Then going to my parent's home and spending the rest of the day just "being together" with my parents, AVA, Andrea, Jayson, Jess (and of course Brad and Tyler). I know it is going to take time, a lot of time.
This is a picture of our Sunday School classroom, located in the entrance of the building. The doors remain open during the entire service and we are able to hear
everything going on in the streets.

Tyler's fever had returned on Sunday so it was to the doctor we went. Patricia, our host mother, took us to see her children's pediatrician. Our appt. was 6:30 in the evening, strange for our idea of business hours. The pediatrician was very kind and very thorough. Patricia was wonderful in her willingness to interpret for us and then helped us find the laboratory and pharmacy. It was a long night for little Tyler and Santiago (age 5) as we walked from one place to another. We finally made it home after 9 to have dinner and put the kids to bed.
Patricia, who should win some kind of award by the way, took me at 6:30 in the morning back to laboratory to deliver Tyler's specimens. She then came home to fix our breakfast in time for us to make it to school! God bless this woman who has done so much for us in the three weeks we have been in her home.
It was back to the doctor at 5 that evening to receive the results of the specimens, after we picked the results up from the lab to hand deliver them to the doctor. And tada...PARASITE! So we are now feeling a little scared and discouraged that a little over two weeks into our new life we already are experiencing this unwanted invasion. But Tyler is as happy and content as ever. He is eating like a little piggy and gaining weight. You would hardly even know he was sick by watching him. He is such a blessing to our lives! And he LOVES his medicine (it must taste good). But seven days on this medication and the parasite will be eliminated!
Here is the little guy (parasite and all) in his bed with all of his favorite friends. Notice Mr. Monkey draped across his chest, life is good. (Mr. Monkey is really just a monkey head in the middle of a silky blanket. And you can't even see his little head in this picture.)

Fairly uneventful other than trying to get caught up at school! And Tyler did not have a fever all day...yay :)
Brad woke up sick with stomach issues. This a very common occurrence among the Extreme Staff as we are getting used to our new environment. Patricia again to the rescue called in sick to school for Brad and called a taxi to pick up Tyler and myself. I decided to walk home from school and on the way home tripped over the sidewalk and fell on my knees, one elbow and one hand. God had His hand with us because Tyler, who was riding in the front pack, never touched the ground. I was humiliated, scared and really it was just the last straw to a stressful week and I fought back tears the rest of the way home. I had many concerned looks from passer-bys as it was pretty evident that I was crying and had a big hole in my pants (my new pants). I was able to keep it together until I saw Brad and then I had a nice long cry. I am so thankful for a husband with a tender heart. He just hugged me while a cried and was genuinely upset with me over the hole in my favorite pants.
But here is the highlight of the day! Tyler loves his bath time in his little blue tub. Bath tubs are non-existent in Arequipa so little blue storage bins work very well!
Yay for Fridays! This week was a trying week in Spanish school. I think it was a combination of worry about our little man and very full brains. We have been encouraged by many that the second week is challenging and it will come together for us soon. And the highlight to this day, other than the realization that we don't have school the next two days, was a trip to Cusco Coffee for a real latte. Good coffee has a way of making one forget about her scratched up knees.
God is so good. He has prepared the way for us here and we can feel that everyday. We are so thankful for our huge support system at home and the one He has created for us in Peru. Thank you for your prayers and know that I am praying for you too! I have a list of names that I pray over (our family and support team) and if you would like to be on my list just let me know. It is such a privilege that God allows us this method of communication. One of my favorite things to experience was family alter time at church. Brothers and sisters bowing before our Lord with their arms around each other sharing their needs and praise to the Creator. And even thousands of miles away I can continue to lift these praises and needs before the same God! Please remember Tyler as his body and the medication are fighting this bug.