At your request here are some picture of the place where we are staying while in language school. This is the home of Patricia, Maria, and Santiago.
The main living area: Living Room and Dining Room
The view from our bedroom door. This bedroom is right off the Living/Dining Room
Another view of our bedroom.

Our bathroom and the washing machine (toilet behind the door...I figured nobody wanted to see the toilet).
This is the back yard where the laundry is hung. See poor Mr. Monkey had a bath last night. It was Tyler's first night sleeping without his little monkey friend. Let me tell you that we had a very long night!
And off the subject...isn't this the cutest picture you have ever seen? My little niece, Ava Claire (I call her PeeWee)

Loved seeing "your place" for now! It's nicer than what I had pictured in my mind! I guess I was thinking of some of the very poor living conditions as portrayed in some of our missionary books.
Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend.
There seems to be lots of bright colors.
Poor Tyler - sleeping without his Mr. Monkey - that is tragic. I should try to find him a spare for those times.
Hello Michelle--Loved seeing pictures of your place. Just wanted to say hello and I am thinking and praying for you all. Chloe prayed for you at the dinner table last night, it was so cute. Iloved reading your spanish words, takes me back to high school. I took 4 years of spanish. Your doing great!
It's nice to picture where you are at! And I empatize with you two and Tyler, but come on--poor Mr. Monkey out on the line with no boy to hold him! Just kidding! We've made night phone calls to my mom asking to come and get Mylie's blankie, princess dress, or whatever she's attached too!
Thanks for the post and pics. It's so good to be able to better picture your life right now. My heart hurt for little Tyler without his Mr. Monkey overnight. He's been such a little man through all the changes he's undergone in the past couple of weeks.
Language school sounds intense. So glad you're getting a weekend off. Looking forward to talking with you. Love you!
(Ava Claire is a little doll baby!)
Wow! She has a nice place!
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